
Benefits Of Having A Driven Life

 Discovering our purpose is vital for countless reasons that can significantly enhance our lives. Let's dive into these benefits.

  • It gives meaning to your life:  Finding the purpose of your life provides your life with a definition, worth, and dignity. Omitting the purpose of life will only cause a sad, tragic life. That is why people try dubious means like astrology or psychics to find it. That's the whole purpose of this blog; to help people to find the meaning of their lives. Without purpose, no meaning or significance, without significance, no hope. But that's what GOD provides us with, hope. Hope is just as important as air and water. You need it to keep pushing forward, you need it to bear what seems unbearable to others. If you feel hopeless remember Jeremiah 29:11:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Dr. Bernie Siegel used this method when he asked patients whether they wanted to live up to 100. Those who answered "Yes" had a deep purpose in their lives and were more likely to survive.

  • It simplifies life:  Your purpose guides your actions and your behaviors. It makes it easy to know what to do and what not to do. You just ask yourself, "Is this pulling me towards GOD's purpose for me or not?" Without a focused life, you would be confused and constantly changing jobs, relations, and plans. People who changed the world had focused lives. Take Daniel and his friends for example, they were in a new environment, where the people there didn't worship the real GOD. But because of their focused lives, they were able to make a massive impact in that place.
  • It energizes us: Nothing serves as a more replenishable battery than having a life with purpose. It drives us to keep moving forward. It makes every action you take have direction and a clear reason rather than not having that "battery" and even getting out of bed is a painful chore.
  • It prepares us for eternity:  Many people around the globe and set their minds on earthly legacies. Having a purposeful life will remind us that GOD didn't put us here to break records and have over a million bucks in our bank accounts, no, far from that. He rather brought us here to prepare for eternity. Setting legacies here is not really beneficial in the long run, where what people or your achievements say about you but what GOD says about you.
In my next post, we will see the questions GOD will ask you during judgment day and as you continue reading my blog, I'm positive that you'll be able to answer them both.

Thanks to my mum, Rick Warren, and most importantly, GOD.
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